
Anthias (filephoto) - one of the species used in the experiment

Fish need to decompress too

According to CAS’s Matt Wandell the chamber is fairly simple in design and can bring a fish up to to surface pressure in around 20 hours or so without adverse effects.

Aside from burst swim bladders, fish, like humans, can also get decompression sickness when exposed to rapid changes in pressure during capture.

“Bent” fish are most likely widespread in the live reef fish trade, as most of the species that have been examined were found to suffer symptoms of decompression sickness after capture from shallow depths of 10 to 15 metres.

Blue whale off Californian coast

Ships and blue whales in conflict off California

A new study in the journal Plos One has revealed blue whales assemble for long periods in the busy shipping lanes off California, raising concerns about collisions between vessels and the endangered cetaceans.

“It’s an unhappy coincidence,” said study leader Ladd Irvine, a marine mammal ecologist at Oregon State University. “The blue whales need to find the densest food supply. There’s a limited number of those dense places, and it seems as though two of the main regular spots are crossed by the shipping lanes.”

Philippine Airlines (PAL) says it has stopped flying shark fin cargoes

Philippine Airlines (PAL) says it has stopped flying shark fin cargoes, joining a number of other Asia-Pacific carriers in taking a stand for marine conservation.

The fins are used in shark fin soup, a much-valued delicacy in Hong Kong and China.

Conservationists say booming demand for such fins has put pressure on the world's shark populations, prompting calls for measures to restrict their trade.

Jet lag, also called jet lag disorder, is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones.

The science of jet lag... and how best to beat it

"If you're going to be a member of the Jet Set and fly off to Katmandu for coffee with King Mahendra," wrote Horace Sutton in the Los Angeles Times, "you can count on contracting Jet Lag, a debility not unakin to a hangover. Jet Lag derives from the simple fact that jets travel so fast they leave your body rhythms behind."

UK airports initiate new security checks

Passengers flying into and out of the UK may be subject to increased in-depth security checks. Security in UK airports has been increased after potential terrorists believed to originate from within Syria and Yemen. With the worldwide summer holiday rush underway, passengers are urged to comply with the restrictions to curtail delays. Passengers leaving or entering the UK, USA, Middle East and Africa are more likely to experience the heightened security measures.

Shipwreck Hunters Discover U.S.A.F. Aircraft lost 62 years ago

On September 11, 1952, the C-45 was on a routine flight from Bedford, Massachusetts to Griffis Air Force Base near Rome, New York when the left engine began failing about 40 miles southeast of Utica


The C-45 is almost totally intact. The fibreglass nose cone is missing as are the vertical stabilizers. One of the blades of the left propeller broke off and lies nearby on the bottom. Part of the windshield was broken and the left side of the body behind the wing has been torn away.

Fighter jets become Florida's newest artificial reef

Before they were sunk into the Gulf of Mexico, the jets were gutted and attached to concrete anchors. Both jets were slowly lifted from the barge and briefly floated on top of the Gulf before they headed toward the ocean floor.

The two planes are now about 74 feet underwater and about 3 nautical miles from the M.B. Miller county pier. Divers expect fish to start coming to check it out any day.

Sea & Sea is a leading diving equipment distributor and has been in the dive industry some 35 years.

TDI SDI Announces New UK and Ireland Regional Office

David Millin, Managing Director of Sea & Sea stated, “TDI is a legendary agency that UK divers and instructors have trusted for years to provide top notch training and quality materials. Sea & Sea is excited to be part of the continuing history”.

Brian Carney, President of International Training, acknowledged that the UK diving scene has an interesting history when it comes to TDI. The late Rob Palmer, a much respected cave explorer and a leading light in the fledgling technical diving community, helped set up TDI twenty years ago.

How Did That Get in There? —Water in the Tank Mystery

Anna’s story: “I was on my eighth or ninth dive, about five minutes in and at a depth of around 13 metres when I realized that my air was not coming out smoothly. I couldn’t think why this should be. I had checked my pressure gauge on descent and it had shown 190 bar. I switched to my octopus, but there was no difference. Soon the air became very thin.

Looking for Moby Dick

It’s an adventure. You swim like a champion, trying to be as streamlined as possible and glide effortlessly through the water. Your heart rate is already at its limits and your breathing borders on hyperventilation. Your focus is on the sperm whale and its blow, which you can see just as you slide into the water. You are hoping to get the animal in front of your camera, but it is a bit of gamble.