
After analyzing data, The Economist concluded U.S. airports to be "awful," beset by "soggy pizza, surly security staff and endless queues."

Its Official: US Airports Suck

The highest-ranked U.S. airport, the small Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport, could only muster 27th place.

The Economist is also chiming in and the news isn't good. Approximately 67 % of people who fly out of the United States arrive at a better airport. After analyzing data from more than a million flights during 2013, the British magazine concluded U.S. airports to be "awful," beset by "soggy pizza, surly security staff and endless queues."

Blue mussels, edulis mytilus, are effective filter feeders

Blue mussel beds can clean fjords and bays

A project conducted by researchers from Denmark's Technical University showed that 18 hectares of blue mussels in Skive Fjord reduced the levels of algae low enough to prevent oxygen depletion.

The main issue with fertilization of coastal waters causing algae bloom stems from the massive amounts of dead algae sinking to the bottom in thick layers. As they rot, they consume and deplete oxygen, choking huge swathes of the seabed, leading to widespread bottom death. This is a big issue along coasts of agricultural areas.

Common Lionfish

Proposed bill to ban lionfish sales in Florida

Tallahassee lawmakers are joining spear-wielding divers in an attempt to control Florida’s ever-increasing lionfish numbers. If passed, the two proposed bills would halt the public’s ability to purchase lionfish for aquariums and raising them for sale would become a level two felony.

“What the bill is going to do is prohibit the importation and sale of them,” said Sen. Greg Evers, R-Baker, who introduced the Senate version of the bill. “All of the details of the bill have not been decided. I’m saying let’s get rid of them. Put an end to lionfish in aquariums.”

All of the details of the bill have not been decided. I’m saying let’s get rid of them. Put an end to lionfish in aquariums.

—Sen. Greg Ever

Michael Frank Portfolio

Undersea Creatures II, by Michael Frank. Acrylic on canvas, 24x30 inches (61x76cm)

Inspired by the magical ambience in the works of early American artists painting scenes with great attention to detail, color and dramatic light, Michael Frank works layer upon layer on canvas to produce brilliant underwater scenes echoing the sumptuous yet mysterious nature of marine life on reefs and in rivers and streams.