
Lembeh Strait: Critter Central

Giant frogfish nestled in sponge

The world’s full of triangles. There’s the Love Triangle, the Golden Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle… and then of course, most relevant of all to us divers, there’s the Macrolife Triangle, that blissful figure made up by the Malaysian islands of Lankayan and Kapalai and—at the northern tip of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi—the Strait of Lembeh.

Mike Fletcher —The Dive Detective in Depth

Mike Fletcher is a scary guy. Not because he’s violent or aggressive. Quite the contrary, when I meet him in person he turns out to be quite modest and charming. But when you listen to Mike talk about some of his dives, it’s a terrifying experience. I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Port Dover, Ontario, Canada, having lunch with someone I consider to be one of the pre-eminent figures in diving today.

Sea Legs — Power, Strength & Endurance for Diving

When shore diving, divers often have to overcome an obstacle course to get to their favorite dive spot. Beach access may be by stairs and always includes walking across grass, concrete, sand or rocks. Entries and exits are in varying surf conditions and divers regularly “kick out” or “turtle” for extended distances on the surface to conserve air before dropping down to dive.

Gatherings of the Gentle Giants

Underwater photographer Peter Verhoog of the Dutch Shark Society is on a mission—a mission to save sharks. He wants to raise awareness for sharks and their fate among a wide audience. One of the ways to do this is to show people not only the beauty of sharks but also shark behaviour and their sometimes worldwide migration and feeding patterns.

Marijuana buds (filephoto)
Marijuana buds (filephoto)

Diver caught smuggling pot into the US

The Canadian man in a scuba suit was taken into custody by federal authorities for attempting to smuggle eight pounds of marijuana into the United States across the St. Clair River near Marine City.

Jesse James Thomas Zunti was observed by a Marine City resident swimming in full scuba gear across the St. Clair River from Canada to Marine City early Monday.

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman says agents arrested the man in his scuba gear as he exited the water about 1 a.m. Monday after remote camera operators at Selfridge Air National Guard base spotted him.

Florida’s coral reefs some of the world’s most endangered

Data collected from over a 100 stations throughout the Florida Keys indicates a 44 percent decline in the coverage of coral from 1996 through 2005, as reported by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Florida’s reefs are falling victim to overfishing, marine tourism and an unsustainable growth of the state’s population. Beach restoration projects to support coastal growth and development have had a severe impact on the reefs located across much of the state’s waters.

Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia (left) visited the Hyperbaric Unit in Gozo that is once again fully operational
Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia (left) visited the Hyperbaric Unit in Gozo that is once again fully operational

Deco chamber on Gozo now operational

This service both sustain the diving industry in Gozo and also serves to provide hyperbaric oxygen therapy to the Gozo General Hospital patients.

The Ministry for Health is also planning to train two further doctors in hyperbaric medicine at the GGH.