
Getting all the wiser

I have done a fair deal of dive training over the years—mostly out of simple curiosity, professional interest, a desire to acquire more skills, and to be all the wiser.

Most of the acquired skills, I never or rarely use in regular diving, most of which is the plain vanilla variety anyway—that is, no-decompression, open circuit and no fancy gasses, except for the occasional use of nitrox. Keeping it simple has its virtues.

Shearwater Research Appoints New CEO and VP of Sales & Marketing

Current CEO Jim Hartt will be retiring on July 31, 2023. “Lynn and I would like to thank Jim for guiding Shearwater through the eventful past four years and wish him well in his retirement” said Shearwater’s founder and Board member Bruce Partridge.

“We are also confident and excited about the company’s continued success under Jason’s leadership”.

Jason Leggatt brings over 22 years of experience in the marine industry, having previously served as the President of Mustang Survival, a leading personal protective equipment company.

Last Minute Cabins to Komodo and Alor on the Arenui

The Arenui has limited availability on their schedule until 2026-2027. So if you were thinking of diving Komodo or Alor, now is the time to take advantage of these last minute openings.

May 4-15, 2023: There is a single space in a male shared cabin available on this 11 night cruise through Alor and Komodo, beginning in Maumere and ending in Labuanbajo.

June 16-24, 2023: There are two single beds, one male and one female, available on this 8 night cruise through Komodo and Sumbawa, beginning in Bali and ending in Labuanbajo.

Epic Underwater Photography: Contributors' Picks

Cave diver in cave, photo by Brandi Mueller
Photo by Brandi Mueller: A cave diver swims through a tunnel with smooth walls on all sides. Mexico. Gear: Nikon Z 7II camera, Ikelite housing, Kraken lights. Exposure: ISO 2500, f/7.1, 1/60s

We asked our contrib­utors what their favorite epic underwater images were and they returned with a diverse selection of photos capturing epic adventures and interactions with marine life in the underwater world.

Paul Fearn Portfolio

Three Colours Blue I and II, by Paul Fearn
Three Colours Blue I and II Diptych by Paul Fearn. Copper sheet painting with patinas, two 40 x 30cm panels

British artist and avid diver Paul Fearn paints beautiful underwater scenes and marine life on copper metal plates, using unique patinas that evoke the ambiance and watery depths of the underwater realm. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist, who is based in West Sussex, to learn more about his unique artistic process as well as his perspectives on diving and saving the fragile ecosystems of our oceans.

UW Photo: Botanical Comparisons

A Corallimorph and A Lotus Flower Pod
Comparison: Circular. Photo 9. (left) A Lotus Flower Pod; Photo 10. (right) A Corallimorph, both by Anita George-Ares

Have you ever noticed how an underwater sea anemone or coral form might resemble a flower or plant found on land? Photographers Anita George-Ares and John A. Ares take a colorful dive into the realm of botanical comparisons, with side-by-side shots of flora and fauna above and below the waves.

Coiba National Park
A UNESCO World Heritage Site and marine reserve, Coiba National Park is found in the Gulf of Chiriqui in the western region of Panama. Immersed in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, it forms part of the Tropical Eastern Pacific Marine Corridor (CMAR).

$20 billion in marine biodiversity commitments announced at ocean conference

At the start of the event, US White House climate envoy and former secretary of state John Kerry said that the meeting was “so incredibly important because it is a conference that is focused on action, not on talk. It’s about real commitments and real solutions.”

Huge sums

Nearly $6 billion in US commitments spread across 77 projects to protect the high seas in 2023 was announced by Kerry, including technical cooperation to foster “green shipping corridors.”

Map of the Mediterranean Sea
Map of the Mediterranean Sea

EU countries to establish large marine protected area in the Mediterranean

“An agreement is being finalized with France, Spain and Cyprus for a large protected area in the extra-territorial waters of the Mediterranean, which is a great contribution to the 30×30 goal,” said Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, the Italian environment and energy security minister at the Valore Natura conference in January 2023.

Humpbacks in the South Pacific
Humpbacks in the South Pacific. Home to some of the largest reservoirs of biodiversity on the planet, which support abundant fisheries, marvelous deep-water coral ecosystems and diverse marine life, the high seas are also throughways for whales, sharks and other migratory species.

High Seas Treaty: Historic agreement to protect international waters reached at UN after 20 years of negotiations

The legal framework provides a crucial mechanism in setting up vast marine protected areas (MPAs) in the high seas. The historic treaty plays a critical role in the enforcement of the 30x30 pledge that countries had made in December 2022 at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Montreal, Canada. The 30x30 target aims to protect a third of the sea (and land) by 2030.

The announcement by conference president, Rena Lee of Singapore, was met by a standing ovation from delegates, who had worked long days and nights to finalize the deal.

Join Peter Hughes in Alor and the Banda Sea onboard Emperor Harmoni

When it comes to legendary figures in the diving world, Peter Hughes sits right at the top of the list.

The chance to share time with him – both above and below water – is one not to be missed and that makes Emperor Divers’ trip from Maumere to Ambon on board Emperor Harmoni in October a very special opportunity.

Peter has chosen to be a member of the party on the 12-night adventure when he will be happy to share his knowledge and stories from 65-plus years of diving.