
White sharks shed genetic material (skin and feces) into their environment which can be traced in water samples.
White sharks shed genetic material (skin and feces) into their environment which can be traced in water samples.

Tracing Mediterranean Great White Sharks With DNA

As fans of crime series will know, every living creature sheds DNA through skin cells, hair, scales and other bodily secretions as they move. This leaves behind a trace in whatever environment they were in, thus becoming environmental DNA (eDNA).

An emerging molecular technique called eDNA analysis enables researchers to scan samples of water, air, or soil for tiny remnants of DNA and identify organisms it came from.

Wild Diving in the Komati Springs of South Africa

Exploring a side tunnel on the third level of the mine
Exploring a side tunnel on the third level of the mine at Komati Springs

If you have ever wondered how dark the earth was before humans discovered fire, then spend some time in the forest. The night arrives shortly after 6 p.m. and the sun rises around 5 a.m. In this period of time, you may feel enveloped by the darkness in this part of South Africa. Andrea Murdock Alpini shares his adventure diving the Komati Springs.

Great hammerhead shark off Bimini
Great hammerhead shark off Bimini

Great hammerhead has low genetic variation

Genomic data reveals historical population declines and high levels of inbreeding in great hammerhead.

In a recent report by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 31 percent of all shark species are threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable).  In 1980, only 9 species of oceanic sharks and rays were listed as threatened.

Common Seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina)
The harbor (or harbour) seal (Phoca vitulina), also known as the common seal, is a true seal found along temperate and Arctic marine coastlines of the Northern Hemisphere

Bird flu is killing marine mammals


Last summer, the highly contagious strain of avian influenza, that was first detected in early winter 2021, had been spreading through North American birds made its way into marine mammals, causing a spike in seal strandings along the coast of Maine.

In June and July 2022, more than 150 dead or ailing seals washed ashore, a number that was approximately three times the normal rate for this time of the year. Of the 41 stranded seals tested for the virus, nearly half tested positive.

Coral reef patches surrounded by halos of sand produced by herbivore members of a patch assemblage (fish, mollusks, and sea urchins) who remove sea grass and algae
Coral reef patches surrounded by halos of sand produced by herbivore members of a patch assemblage (fish, mollusks, and sea urchins) who remove sea grass and algae

Reef halos and soundscapes may provide a window into reef health

Coral reef halos, also known as grazing halos or sand halos, are bands of bare, sandy seafloor that surround coral patch reefs. Fish and invertebrates hide in a patch of coral and venture out to eat algae and seagrass that cover the seabed. to close

Dear readers,

After nearly 25 years of operation, DPReview will be closing in the near future. This difficult decision is part of the annual operating plan review that our parent company shared earlier this year.

The site will remain active until April 10, and the editorial team is still working on reviews and looking forward to delivering some of our best-ever content.

Everyone on our staff was a reader and fan of DPReview before working here, and we’re grateful for the communities that formed around the site.