
The Trip-Saving Kit We Bring

Sometimes we discover fixes or adapt and repurpose mundane items to make life on the road easier.
Sometimes we discover fixes or adapt and repurpose mundane items to make life on the road easier.

As any underwater photographer can attest to, water and electronics do not mix. Despite our best attempts at planning for unforeseen circumstances, the law of averages dictates that things can and will go wrong. More often than not, some situations are ones we had not even considered. Peter Symes and Scott Bennett report.

A pair of southern resident orcas
A pair of southern resident orcas

Southern resident orca mothers pay higher price to care for sons

It turns out that raising sons takes a higher toll on southern resident orca mothers, when compared to raising daughters. So much so that the mother’s annual likelihood of successfully breeding is reduced by about half.

This is because the mothers share the fish they catch with their sons even after the latter become adults. The mothers would bite the fish they catch into two, consume one half and give the other half to their sons.

(In the case of their daughters, the mothers also share their food, but stop doing so when the daughters reach reproductive age.)

Tony Fredriksson Portfolio

Humpback Whale, driftwood sculpture by Tony Fredriksson
Humpback Whale, driftwood sculpture by Tony Fredriksson

Originally from Zimbabwe, artist Tony Fredriksson is a sculptor based in South Africa who creates incredibly life-like sculptures of marine life out of driftwood, drawing inspiration from how the wood is eroded by weather, scoured by streams or sanded smooth by sand. X-Ray Mag interviewed the artist to learn more about his artworks and creative process.

Profile: Angelique Songco—“Mama Ranger” of Tubbataha

Angelique Songco (Source: TMO)
Angelique Songco (Source: TMO)

In a country that has so much to offer the travelling diver and underwater photographer, there are certain exceptional locations in the Philippines that really stand out and top of the list has to be the remote reefs and atolls of Tubbataha. Don Silcock interviewed a central figure in the story of the conservation of Tubbataha’s marine ecosystems: Angelique Songco.

Minimalist Underwater Photos: Contributors' Picks

Ghost nudibranch, photo by Kate Jonker
Photo by Kate Jonker: Using black and white to create a minimalist image of a ghost nudibranch (Lecithophorus capensis) at Gordon’s Bay, South Africa. Gear: Nikon D850 camera, Nikkor 105mm macro lens, Isotta housing, single Inon Z240 strobe. Exposure: ISO 64, f/22, 1/200s

We asked our contributors what their favorite minimalist underwater photos were and they returned with a creative mix of macro, wide-angle and close-up abstract images in color and black and white.

Proposed Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary in eastern Lake Ontario

Lake Ontario National Marine Sanctuary proposed

NOAA invites the public to comment on this proposed rulemaking and will consider all submitted comments when preparing final regulations in the last phase of the sanctuary designation process.

The public comment period is open until March 20, 2023.

The national significance of the area within and around the proposed sanctuary will benefit from long-term protection, management and interpretation.