Shipwreck "Adella Shores" Found After 112 Years

Shipwreck "Adella Shores" Found in Lake Superior After 112 Years

The "Adella Shores" disappeared in 1909 during a routine voyage across Lake Superior, carrying a crew of 14 and a full cargo. Despite extensive searches, no trace was found until now. The shipwreck was uncovered using modern sonar technology, revealing the ship almost perfectly preserved on the lake’s cold, dark floor.

The Taam Ja' Blue Hole sits underwater in Chetumal Bay, Mexico

Discovery of the World's Deepest Underwater Sinkhole

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have identified what is now considered the world's deepest underwater sinkhole, located off the coast of Mexico. This remarkable geological feature which reaches depths exceeding 1,300 feet (420 meters) could potentially house hidden caves and tunnels, offering new insights into Earth's subterranean mysteries.

A spear squid.
A spear squid.

Birthdate Determines Mating Strategy for Spear Squid

Scientists from the University of Tokyo have discovered that a male spear squid’s birthday is not just a date—rather, it determines their mating strategy for the rest of their lives. 

According to their study, spear squid that are born early in the mating season (between early April and mid-July) grow to formidable sizes. Called “consorts“, they actively fight off any rivals in order to mate and then stick close to their mate as she lays her eggs.