
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Triples in Size

Photo credit: G.P. Schmahl/NOAA

Moving forward, this expansion means increased protections for important species and habitats. The expansion areas will be home to future conservation work and support resource protection, recreation and stewardship for local communities and the country. In particular, the sanctuary’s expansion provides an excellent opportunity to: 

Fourth Element states it creates "products that perform in the world's most extreme environments"

Fourth Element is recruiting!

The candidate would join the current Marketing Team to help expand and develop the company’s online capabilities to support their continued growth.

We create products that perform in the world’s most extreme environments as well as working to minimise our impact on the planet and our oceans. — Fourth Element

The successful candidate should have an enthusiastic approach to driving sales through creative marketing, be a team player and share the company’s ambitions of sustainability and passion for the marine environment.

Felicitas Mine

Dive team member sheds light on old mining equipment left in Felicitas Mine.
Dive team member sheds light on old mining equipment left in Felicitas Mine.

The more time passes, the less the distance is that separates one from the object of one’s desire—in this case, it was a place. With time spent seeking, observing, studying, writing and pinning drafts of questions, all waiting for an answer, I decided to follow a line of inquiry into diving an old German slate mine in Schmallenberg (east of Düsseldorf) to understand its feasibility, aesthetic beauty and historical meaning.

Seychelles Beach

Seychelles drops quarantine for vaccinated travellers

The Seychelles has reopened its borders and dropped quarantine requirements to travelers vaccinated against Covid-19. Vaccinated visitors can now enter the island nation without having to quarantine for 10 days provided they present a negative PCR test result taken within 72 hours of travel. Travelers must also submit a certificate from their national health authority to verify both doses of the vaccine have been administered.

Brazil's Fernando de Noronha

Baia dos Porcos and Doïs Irmaos islets, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Baia dos Porcos and Doïs Irmaos islets, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

Five hundred and twenty-five kilometres from Recife on the northeastern coast of South America (or 350km from Natal as the crow flies), the minuscule specks of land of Fernando de Noronha are to Brazil what the Galapagos Islands are to Ecuador—but on the other side of the continent.

The harbour porpoise is one of eight extant species of porpoise. It is one of the smallest species of cetacean.
The harbour porpoise is one of eight extant species of porpoise. It is one of the smallest species of cetacean.

Increases in California harbor porpoise population due to gillnet ban

Before they were closed down, these fisheries would cause the deaths of many harbor porpoises, as they ended up as bycatch in the fisheries' gillnets. And based on the numbers, it is apparent that such coastal set gillnets had taken a greater toll on the harbor porpoises than we realized.

This is the finding of a paper published in the Marine Mammal Science journal.

The blow of a blue whale
The blow of a blue whale

Whale songs reveal existence of new blue whale population

There are different populations of blue whales worldwide, and each can be identified by its own whale songs.

A new population has been identified based on its unique whale song, recorded in three locations: the Arabian Sea coast of Oman, the Chagos Archipelago in the central Indian Ocean, and Madagascar in the southwest Indian Ocean.

This discovery was reported in the journal Endangered Species Research.