
Ways to support your dive store or operator

Dive operators grapple with coronavirus outbreak as demand collapses

While various governments, as of writing this, are mulling over various subsidies or bailouts to tide over whole sectors of business to the other side of the coronavirus outbreak, much uncertainty and concern for the future remains at this juncture among operators with whom X-Ray Mag has spoken about the matter.

Ways to support your dive store or operator

Dive operators grapple with coronavirus outbreak as demand collapses

While various governments, as of writing this, are mulling over various subsidies or bailouts to tide over whole sectors of business to the other side of the coronavirus outbreak, much uncertainty and concern for the future remains at this juncture among operators with whom X-Ray Mag has spoken about the matter.

Practice underwater photography at home, with free video tutorials by Brent Durand.

Stuck inside? Improve your underwater photography while at home

"We are all aware of the stresses rippling through the dive industry as a result of COVID-19," said Durand. "To help look at the bright side, I have started a weekly video tutorial series on how to improve your underwater photography and video while at home.

 The first video in the series focuses on depth of field, exposure challenges, composition and creative lighting techniques.

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Brush up on underwater photography camera settings and how to use camera gear with free video tutorials about lights, strobe positioning, black backgrounds, wet lenses and composition tips.To watch the free video tutorials, go to the photographer’s YouTube channel at:

Anyone is welcome to join in—you don't need to have a GUE qualification—and you don't need any previous experience. And because this is a 'dry' course, you don't need to be a scuba diver! The Sessions This class has has been broken up into four sections, to enable you to go and try what is taught between sessions. You do need to do all four sessions, and it will be live, not pre-recorded. Each session will last about an hour. Monday 30 March - 16.00 BST Thursday 2 April - 16.00 BST Monday 6 April - 16.00 BST Thursday 9 April - 16.00 BST How do I sign up? Just follow this link. You don't need any special equipment, and you can use your camera phone. Tips If you take part and enjoy the course, you might want to consider buying John a 'virtual beer'. Most folks who work in the diving industry are self employed, and since the COVID-19 crisis has kicked off, all their paid work has evaporated. A virtual beer will certainly be appreciated. Did you miss the first session? If you missed the first session tha

FREE Intro to photogrammetry class—starts today!

Anyone is welcome to join in—you don't need to have a GUE qualification—and you don't need any previous experience. And because this is a 'dry' course, you don't need to be a scuba diver!

The Sessions

This class has has been broken up into four sections, to enable you to go and try what is taught between sessions. You do need to do all four sessions, and it will be live, not pre-recorded. Each session will last about an hour.

Monday 30 March - 16.00 BST
Thursday 2 April - 16.00 BST
Monday 6 April - 16.00 BST
Thursday 9 April - 16.00 BST

A good cup of coffee is always conducive for some straight thinking I find

Reassessing Our Priorities — and keeping a cool head

Who would have thought that the day would come when I would publicly state that there are more important things in life than diving. After all, the aquatic environment has been my passion and calling for as long as I can remember. I was that toddler on the beach collecting starfish and small crabs in my red bucket, the public swimming pool was my preferred playground after school, and I specialised in aquatic ecology for my master's degree, not to mention taking up diving early on and becoming an underwater photographer.

Turtles and plastic bags
Plastics floating in the ocean build a coating of algae and microorganisms that smells edible to turtles.

Why do sea turtles eat plastic? Perhaps because it smells good

To understand sea turtle behavior around ocean plastics, the research team compared how sea turtles in a lab setting reacted to smelling odors of turtle food, ocean-soaked plastic, clean plastic and water.

The turtles ignored the scents of clean plastic and water, but responded to the odors of food and ocean-soaked plastics by showing foraging behavior. This included poking their noses out of the water repeatedly as they tried to smell the food source, and increasing their activity as they searched.

Of seals and their whiskers

Some land animals like rats and shrews use their whiskers to explore, forage and move around. For the first time, a team of researchers, led by Robyn Grant of Manchester Metropolitan University, were able to show that pinnipeds too use their whiskers in a similar fashion.

The study, published in the Journal of Comparative Physiology A sought to measure and compare whisker movements and control amongst three pinniped species—California sea lions, harbor seals and Pacific walruses.