
Anemonefish sheltering in coral
Anemonefish sheltering in coral

Chemical pollutants disrupt reproduction in anemonefish

Thanks to increased awareness, we are all aware of how some plastic food utensils can leach Bisphenol-A (BPA) into our food.

BPA is an endocrine disruptor and it can interfere with how the hormones in our bodies function. Studies have shown that pollutants like BPA tend to feminize animals like freshwater fish, rats and mice. 

How does it affect animals whose gender is determined by its environment? 

GUE launches new conservation pledge

Seagrass meadows constitute important habitats for many species.  In this case a painted comber takes shelter among the leaves
Seagrass meadows constitute important habitats for many species. In this case a painted comber takes shelter among the leaves. Photo: Peter Symes

High Springs, Florida, (November 2021) -- Divers represent a small portion of the population that get to see the underwater world first hand, yet they often contribute to its decline. To help offset some of the environmental damage from shipping their own merchandise, the non-profit scuba diving organization, Global Underwater Explorers (GUE), has donated to the conservation and restoration of seagrass meadows, mangroves and salt marshes through The Ocean Foundation’s SeaGrass Grow Program.

Rick Stanton, Great Britain and Ireland Explorer Chapter, Rory Golden, Mark Wood, Sally Cartwright, Rick Stanton, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Mag, X-Ray Magazine, scuba diving news
Rick Stanton was presented a Great Britain and Ireland Explorer Chapter Coin by Mark Wood on 21 November 2021

Rick Stanton presented with Explorers Club 'Chapter Coin'

100 of these coins have been especially crafted for the chapter.

The GB&I Chapter Coin is given to inspiring individuals and those who have contributed to exploration in extraordinary ways. Mark Wood, explorer

Polar explorer Mark Wood stated "As Chair of the Great Britain and Ireland Chapter I'm in a privileged position to meet some extraordinary people through my work. I had the honour of presenting Rick Stanton with the Chapter Coin."

Pemba Island: Diving in Tanzania's Zanzibar Archipelago

Nudibranch, Pemba, Tanzania. Photo by Pierre Constant
Nudibranch, Pemba, Tanzania. Photo by Pierre Constant

Pemba Island is part of the Zanzibar Archipelago in Tanzania. Pierre Constant shares his adventure there, which took him through lush emerald forests, home to the Zanzibar leopard and rare endemic species of monkeys, a reserve with Seychelles tortoise, as well as diverse dive sites with a delightful variety of corals and marine species, and ample opportunities for underwater photography.

Update from Boot expo regarding Covid-19 regulations

 For a safe staging of boot 2022,  the world's largest water sports trade fair,  Messe Düsseldorf has again adapted its hygiene measures in line with the Covid Protection Ordinance of its home state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which was updated on November 24.

Most important is the  introduction of the regulation for access to the boot halls.

Shortfin mako shark
Shortfin mako shark

Ban on fishing of mako sharks reached at meeting

At the annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) last week, North Atlantic fishing nations have pledged to ban catches of the shortfin mako shark.

The efforts to secure the ban was led by the UK, Canada and Senegal. The move means that the countries agreed to end overfishing immediately and to gradually achieve biomass levels that were enough to support maximum sustainable yield by 2070 for the species, according to an article in The Guardian.


Study sheds light on plankton in Gulf of Mexico

Plankton is admittedly not the most exciting life form in our oceans. Nonetheless, a team of researchers have been taking a closer look at plankton life in the Gulf of Mexico.

Their study has resulted in the publication of a paper in the Science Advances journal.

The researchers focussed on the subtropical waters off Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico, using high-speed underwater imaging technology and advanced machine learning approaches.

Limited tickets available for Explorers Club event in London

The Explorers Club (Great Britain and Ireland Chapter) are launching an exciting collaboration with their new partners, Cabal Rum. The aim is to promote the scientific exploration of land, sea, air, and space by supporting research and education in the physical, natural and biological sciences. 

As we head into a new era of change we are excited to be launching events and lectures over the next 12 months - with names from all disciplines of exploration. EC GB&IC

Sperm whale.  Photo by Eric Cheng
Will humans ever understand what these cetaceans are saying?

Will we learn to speak whale?

Project CETI is a nonprofit organisation applying machine learning and robotics to listen to and translate the communication of whales. The organisation is working to develop a deeper understanding of the complex system of communication that sperm whales use and share this understanding with the world.

Fathoms Free, Ghost Diving UK, Ghost Fishing, NARC, Sea Shepherd, Ghostnet campaign, discarded fishing gear, crab pots
Members of Sea Shepherd's 'Ghostnet campaign' recovering lost crab pots off the Yorkshire coast in 2021

UK 'Ghost Gear Coalition' formed to reduce diving team response time

The solution is straightforward, if you have the relevant knowledge at your fingertips. Just contact one of the many NGOs around the world, such as 'Ghost Diving', who work to combat this problem internationally, and let them know the details of the ghost gear that needs to be recovered. 

Ghost fishing gear is everywhere, but so are we! Pascal van Erp, founder Ghost Diving

Long Island Divers Association Film Festival Presentation Lineup

This year’s unique LIDA Film Festival will be a great way to relax and enjoy some of the best underwater images while dreaming of your next underwater adventure. Here is a sneak peek at the lineup of world-class underwater photographers and videographers we will feature this year:

Michel Labrecque & Julie Ouimet
"Freaks...of nature"

Rick Morris
"Heroes to Heroes Restoring the Reefs"

Nancy McGee