
Emperor Divers Awards 5th ‘Covid Diver Hero’ with Maldives Liveaboard Trip

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that so far every one of our recognised heroes has been working in the hospitals throughout, deep down we all know that that is where the effects of corona are most keenly felt. At this point we get to recognise our 5th winner, another awesome hero from the diving community working in the intensive care wards battling the terrible effects of this virus. Ingrid Stubeliusaged 38 nominated by her husband Fredrik wins a free liveaboard trip in the Maldives, and here is her story:

DecoStop Q&A: Dr Richard Smith

Denise’s pygmy seahorse
Denise’s pygmy seahorse. Photo by Dr Richard Smith

In the first of the DecoStop Q&A series, we meet British award-winning underwater photographer, author and marine conservationist Dr Richard Smith, who is the author and photographer of the bestselling new book, The World Beneath: The Life and Times of Unknown Sea Creatures and Coral Reefs.

Fresh shark fins drying on sidewalk
(File photo) Fresh shark fins drying on sidewalk

Maldives backpaddles after outcry over lifting shark fishing ban

Shark fishing was completely banned in the Maldives in 2010 so when the country announced plans to discuss legalising the practice again, it created a massive backlash from the international community.

Sharks have always been a valuable tourist attraction in the small island nation and the declining status of shark fisheries, exacerbated by unresolved conflicts with other stakeholders led to the declaration of total shark fishing ban in 2010. With the shark fishing ban in place, sharks are now caught as bycatch in the Maldivian fisheries.

My Most Unusual & Unexpected Dive: Contributors Picks

Photo by Martin Voeller
Mola mola caught in fishermen’s nets, Chiba, Japan. Photo by Martin Voeller

We asked our contrib­utors what their most unusual or unexpected dive was and they sent us photos and tales of unique experiences under the waves, some involving interactions with intriguing species, others purely chance encounters or surprising discoveries.

Stage Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Center
Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Center sports a big stage

Moscow Dive Show 2021 show report

Alongside the arrival of springtime, the Moscow Dive Show heralds a new beginning.

While 2020 and the first quarter of 2021 saw the unprecedented mass postponement of international dive shows around the world—including Boot 2021—one dive show in Europe was determined that the show would go on.

And thus, the first large-scale event of 2021 for the dive industry was the Moscow Dive Show. It was held on four days from 8 to 11 April 2021 at the Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Center in Moscow.

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Russia's Lake Teletskoye

Lake Teletskoye, Russia. Photo by R. Vorobyev & T. Klimenko
Boulders in Lake Teletskoye, Russia, are the size of cars. Photo by R. Vorobyev & T. Klimenko

Somewhere, far from civilisation, there is a secret place, lost among the high mountains and impassable wild forests. Here, where, for a hundred kilometres, you will not meet another person, there are roaring streams of waterfalls breaking from steep coasts, and in winter, instead of ice-bound lakes and rivers, waves rage.

Plinio III Wreck

Rare historical photo of Plinio III, Lake Como, Italy (Museo Barca Lariana/Public Domain)
Rare historical photo of Plinio III, Lake Como, Italy (Museo Barca Lariana/Public Domain)

Lake Como is famous worldwide for its beauty, the charm of its ancient villas, stunning lake views, iconic village of Bellagio and romantic setting. Under its surface, Lake Como hides hundreds of hidden treasures: ancient wrecks and incredible stories. One of those wrecks lies in the northern corner of the lake.

Mexico's Socorro: Sharks, Dolphins, Mantas & More

Oceanic manta ray, Socorro, Mexico. Photo by Kate Holt
Oceanic manta ray, Socorro, Mexico. Photo by Kate Holt

We leveled off at 25m and the visibility was perfect. I could see my two buddies to my left—Kate adjusting her housing strobes and Dominic turning on his GoPro action camera. A group of silvertip sharks were casually circling a cleaning station, this one manned by bright yellow angelfish. They gave us a glance, but mostly, they were unconcerned. A few whitetip sharks emerged from the drop-off below to join us. More sharks—my favorite.

Emperor Divers Recognizes 4th ‘Covid Diver Heroes’ Award

Nominated by David White, Phuong Cao wins a free liveaboard trip in the Maldives when she can finally take some time off, and here is her story:

I, David White, would like to nominate Phuong Cao (36) for her tireless efforts fighting this pandemic. Not satisfied with being a frontline hospitalist in New York she took a second job on the COVID team in Guam to treat patients under even tougher conditions on her weeks off!