
Observations made in 2006 and 2007 suggests that dolphins and whales may experience complex emotions once believed to be reserved for human beings such as deep grief at the death of a loved one

Do whales and dolphins grieve their dead?

A study by researchers from University of Milano-Bicocca describes observations of adults carrying dead calves and juveniles in 7 toothed cetaceans (odontocetes). The observation was based on 14 events from 3 oceans. The seven species studied were Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, Australian humpback dolphins, sperm whales, Risso’s dolphins, short-finned pilot whales, and spinner dolphins.

Manitoba works to save beluga population

Manitoba has released a plan to preserve the world's largest beluga population while numbers remain abundant. "We have a healthy population, but the environment is changing," said Manitoba Conservation Minister Tom Nevakshonoff. "It's a rare opportunity when you can take something that's not in distress and focus on it now to preserve that rather than doing damage control.

The frequent use by humpback whales of remote seamounts has important implications for conservation and management.

Seamounts important for humpback whales

Satellite telemetry suggests that seamounts represent an overlooked cryptic habitat for humpback whales

Seamounts probably serve multiple and important roles as breeding locations, resting areas, navigational landmarks or even supplemental feeding grounds for this species, which can be viewed as a transient component of the seamount communities.

Fin whale.

Whale may have died after eating plastic bag

Originally believed to be a minke whale, a postmortem revealed it to be a fin whale. It was the fifth fin whale to be stranded in the county for the last 25 years.

Scars on its 10.7m (36ft) body brought forward the possibility that the whale might have been struck by a ship's propeller, but this has not yet been confirmed. A spokesman from the Coastguard said that the propeller wounds were probably caused by a collision with a ship after it died.

Instead, he offered another possibility: "It probably died of contamination after eating a plastic bag or something similar."

Blue whales optimize foraging efficiency by balancing oxygen use and energy gain as a function of prey density
Blue whales optimize foraging efficiency by balancing oxygen use and energy gain as a function of prey density

Blue whales' meal planning is complicated

Feeding performance of blue whales vary wide as a function of prey density and distribution, according to new research just published in Science Advances. Because rorqual whales are air-breathing divers that exhibit a high-cost feeding mechanism, they are under considerable pressure to optimize their foraging success by weighing oxygen use against possible energy gain. Blue whales, the researchers have found, follow a complex strategy of switching from conserving oxygen when prey quality is low, to intense foraging at the expense of oxygen when prey quality is high.

Blue whale sighted at Gulf of Alaska.

Feeding strategies of blue whales revealed

Scientists studying blue whales off California's coast discovered that blue whales modify the intensity of their efforts when hunting krill in order to conserve energy.

"We found that blue whales have a complex strategy of switching from conserving oxygen when prey quality is low, to intense foraging at the expense of oxygen when prey quality is high," said Elliott Hazen, research ecologist at the U.S. NOAA Fisheries' Southwest Fisheries Science Center and lead author of the study.

Dauphin (Dolphin) Image Date: 1877

Toothed whales lack genes for important antiviral proteins

The basic role of Mx genes is to make proteins that fight viral infections such as HIV, measles and flu.

'We compared the whole-genome sequence of four toothed whales, a baleen whale and dozens of related mammals like cows and humans,' said Gill Bejerano, Ph.D., associate professor of developmental biology. 'When we looked carefully at the genome sequences, it was very clear that the Mx genes are completely messed up only in the toothed whales.'

Sperm whale checks out ROV in deep ocean

Oceanographer Robert Ballard and his team were exploring the Gulf of Mexico for E/V Nautilus, an expedition to map the Galapagos Rift and gain a better understanding of how life develops around hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. While looking through the eyes of ROV Hercules, they received a major surprise. The uploaded video captured this unique deep-sea encounter: