Octopuses that live deeper in the ocean have bumpier skin

Scientists from the Field Museum in Chicago, USA recently discovered that Pacific warty octopuses don’t all have the same appearance, nor do they all live at the same ocean depth.

Their findings, which was published in the Bulletin of Marine Science, indicated that the bumpier the octopus’ skin was, the deeper in the ocean they would be found.

In their research, the team examined 50 Pacific warty octopuses from the Northeast Pacific Ocean, as well as specimens from the University of Miami Marine Laboratory and the California Academy of Sciences.

West Indies manatees
West Indies manatees

Listening in on manatees can determine population numbers

To successfully conserve and restore manatee populations, scientists need to know how many of them there are in a specific habitat. This isn’t always easy to find out, particularly in the Bocas del Toro province in Panama, where Antillean manatees live in turbid brackish waters, covered by thick aquatic vegetation.

Other methods, like aerial and sonar surveys, and infrared cameras, present logistical challenges and can be costly.

Thomas Cook's collapse leaves 150,000 stranded abroad.
Thomas Cook's collapse leaves 150,000 stranded abroad.

Blue O Two issues Thomas Cook Group statement

The British company specialises in liveaboard and resort-based scuba diving holidays and had bought flights from the World's oldest travel agent.

"Thomas Cook Group has been placed into administration.

Unfortunately, Blue O Two has a substantial number of customers affected by the collapse of the group, which includes Thomas Cook Airlines. Thomas Cook Airlines were due to be the supplier of the flight segment of travel on a large proportion of upcoming liveaboard holidays to the Red Sea.

Bahamas Diving Association Member Update after Hurricane Dorian

All 32 members of the association offer our condolences to the families of those lives lost during the storm.

We have in fact heard from all our operators, and the only adversely affected areas are sadly the Abacos and portions of Grand Bahama Island. All the rest of the country’s 32 resorts, dive operators and liveaboards are up and running on their normal dive schedules.