Photo & Video


Looking for Moby Dick

It’s an adventure. You swim like a champion, trying to be as streamlined as possible and glide effortlessly through the water. Your heart rate is already at its limits and your breathing borders on hyperventilation. Your focus is on the sperm whale and its blow, which you can see just as you slide into the water. You are hoping to get the animal in front of your camera, but it is a bit of gamble.

Underwater Modeling

“What do you have to do?” It is the first question asked by most people when it comes to underwater modeling. As an underwater model, my answer is always the same: “I have to blend myself with the underwater environment to further enhance its beauty.”

Last call for MyShot Underwater Photo Contest 2013

The contest features both macro and wide-angle categories for compact and SLR (interchangeable lens) users.

MyShot is an online underwater photo competition. Photographers can submit their images until the 31 October 2013 deadline and the registration is free. The jury will decide the winners of the categories and there’ll be a public vote as well for a selection of 100 pictures (25 each category). A final party will close the contest.

Fish-Eye for Critters

The apparently contradictory choice of adding teleconverters to fish-eye lenses to obtain arresting “wide-macro” images has long been adopted by many rainforest and insect specialists—notably Frans Lanting, the grand master of them all—while several Japanese authors have pioneered its use in underwater photography since the last decade.