
Extreme Exploration Dives

How to master the complexities of extensive explorations of underwater caves and other overhead environments. Distance of 700 meters from the entrance to the end point. The depth of 164 meters at the beginning of the actual exploration and 186 meters at the end. Duration of the dive, which including deco stops, required a run time 9 hours and 46 minutes submersed.

Photo & Ice Diving

Ice diving is always something out of the ordinary. The atmosphere, colors, flora and fauna—it definitely pays off to endure the icy temperatures for a while. However, there are a few things you need to be aware of. If you are not afraid of the cold water and you can overcome the anxiety of diving under ice, you will enjoy photographing the sometimes bizarre formations under the ice.

New research suggests that although the eyes of sharks function over a wide range of light levels, they are potentially totally color blind
New research suggests that although the eyes of sharks function over a wide range of light levels, they are potentially totally color blind

Sharks are probably colourblind

Researchers in Australia have discovered a secret weakness of one of the ocean's most impressive predators.

The scientists, who examined the retinas of 17 different species of shark, discovered that the creatures had only one type of colour-sensitive cell, known as a cone cell, in their eyes.

Thresher shark (captured specimen, image photoshopped)
Thresher shark (captured specimen, image photoshopped)

Sharks fancy a good grooming too

A study by Simon Oliver at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University describes the first observations of thresher sharks venturing into shallow coastal waters to interact with cleaner wrasse, a type of small fish that groom other fish species.

Thresher sharks live in the open oceans and much of the knowledge of them to date is based on fisheries bycatch. This study just published in published in PLoS ONE, (14 March 2011) examined the behaviour of these elusive sharks as they invite cleaners to remove parasites and dead tissue.

Historic Oregon legislation passed to protect sharks

House Bill (HB) 2838 was introduced to the Oregon State Legislature on 11 January 2011 by Representative Brad Witt (D-Clatskanie) to prohibit the possession, sale, trade, and distribution of shark fins in Oregon. Western ports such as those in Oregon and California are major entry points for shark fin distribution in the United States.