
Sex and violence amongst lobsters

The aim of this thesis was to study the chemical communication involved in aggressive and reproductive behaviours in the European lobster (Homarus gammarus). Both male and female H. gammarus established and maintained dominance, but the sexes used different strategies for dominance maintenance.

Male losers recognised individual fight opponents and avoided them but fought actively against unfamiliar dominants. In contrast, female losers avoided both familiar and unfamiliar dominants, indicating that they react to the dominance status of the opponent.

Coral Reef Fijipiju
Coral Reef Fijipiju

Shape-shifting coral evade identification

"Our study represents important progress towards understanding the evolution and biodiversity of corals and provides a foundation for future work. Since coral ecosystems are increasingly threatened, there is a need to characterize and understand coral species in terms of interbreeding groups as opposed to nominal morphological units", said Zac Forsman, who led a team of researchers from the Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology carrying out the molecular studies.

The New Zealand blue cod (Parapercis colias) is a temperate marine fish of the family Pinguipedidae
The New Zealand blue cod (Parapercis colias) is a temperate marine fish of the family Pinguipedidae

Marine reserves increase the abundance and size of blue cod and rock lobster

These findings indicate that MR (Marine Reserve) protection can result in more and bigger individuals soon after the establishment of the MR. Focused comparison tests did not reveal any relationship between rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) or blue cod (Parapercis colias) size or abundance and either age or area of MRs.

The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) can be found in scattered subpopulations near sea coasts and in estuaries and rivers in parts of the Bay of Bengal and Southeast Asia
The Irrawaddy dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) can be found in scattered subpopulations near sea coasts and in estuaries and rivers in parts of the Bay of Bengal and Southeast Asia

Rare dolphin found in the jungle

“This discovery gives us great hope that there is a future for Irrawaddy dolphins,” said WCS researcher Brian D. Smith, who led the study. “Bangladesh clearly serves as an important sanctuary for Irrawaddy dolphins, and conservation in this region should be a top priority.”

The scientists counted nearly 6,000 of the dolphins in the South Asian country’s Sundarbans mangrove forest and the adjacent waters of the Bay of Bengal.

Mangrove Rivulus , Rivulus marmoratus. Scientists have now found that this fish, already famed for its bizarre sex habits and ability to survive extreme conditions, does something never seen before: hangs out inside deadwood for months at a time to survive dry spells.
Mangrove Rivulus , Rivulus marmoratus. Scientists have now found that this fish, already famed for its bizarre sex habits and ability to survive extreme conditions, does something never seen before: hangs out inside deadwood for months at a time to survive dry spells.

The fish that lives in trees and breeds without a mate

The mangrove rivulus, also known as the mangrove killifish, is native to the Americas and is about five centimetres (two inches) long.

The fish has long been studied for its many unique features. It's the only vertebrate known to naturally self-fertilize, for example. In some populations, it can become a hermaphrodite, developing both male and female parts simultaneously, to produce clones of itself.

Yemen's Socotra Archipelago new World Heritage

As one of the eight new natural sites that have been added to the World Heritage List, following IUCN’s recommendations you find the Socotra Archipelago in Yemen. Socotra is a small archipelago of four islands and islets in the Indian Ocean off the coast of the Horn of Africa some 190 nautical miles (220 mi/350 km) south of the Arabian peninsula. It is a part of the 'Adan Governorate of the Republic of Yemen.

23 Red Sea dive centers black listed

The diving centres on the black list have not complied to standards EN 14467/ISO 24803 for Recreational Diving Services and will not be able to renew their license from the Ministry of Tourism and therefore will be operating illegally.

The auditing process to check that diving centres are meeting these standards began in May 2008 and by 31st March 2009 was completed in South Sinai and will continue to 31st July 2009 in the Hurghada area. Steps will then be put into action to close down illegal operations that fail to comply.

EU alarmed over cod

In the case of cod in the North Sea, eastern channel and Skagerrak...things took a turn for the worse in 2008, when a greater proportion of the stock was caught than in any year since 1999," the European Commission said in a statement.

"We are not that far away from a situation of complete collapse," said Jose Rodriguez, a marine biologist with the environmental group Oceana.

Conservation measures for desperately depleted cod have not delivered the promised revival of supplies – partly because of continued over-fishing exceeding agreed quota limits.

(File photo) Hyperbaric chamber
(File photo) Hyperbaric chamber

Using ultrasound to improve diver safety

If the bubbles are on the right side of the heart, they will enter the lungs which can handle them. If the bubbles are on the left side of the heart, they would then go into the body and get lodged somewhere, causing the bends.

Accord to Dr Pollock, the future of ultrasonic monitoring can be found in dual-frequency ultrasound. In this technique, two transducers are used. One excites the bubbles and the other allows the user to identify when a bubble starts to vibrate.

Reconstruction of the jaws of the Carcharodon megalodon.
Reconstruction of the jaws of the Carcharodon megalodon.

Megalodon babies grew up in nurseries

As many as 400 megalodon teeth were found at the sites, giving rise to this theory. The size of most of the teeth, about 0.6 to 2.8 inches, suggests that the majority had come from juveniles and embryonic sharks.

Juvenile teeth are different from the small teeth from adults or the dwarf species of the megalodon. In all, it is estimated that the teeth came from 21 juvenile megalodons and seven adults, possibly the mother sharks.

Chimney-like structures spew hot fluids of up to 300 degrees Celsius that contain large amounts of methane and hydrogen sulfide.
Chimney-like structures spew hot fluids of up to 300 degrees Celsius that contain large amounts of methane and hydrogen sulfide.

New deep-sea hot springs discovered in the Atlantic

The discovery of the new deep-sea vent is remarkable because the area in which it was found has been intensively studied during previous research cruises. The vent with chimneys as high as one meter and fluids with temperatures up to 300 degrees Celsius was found at one thousand metres depth in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Expedition Explores Previously Uncharted Deep-sea Coral Reefs

Marine life samples collected and new maps created from the mission will guide management of important deepwater coral habitats and provide insight into environmental changes.

During the NOAA mission “Extreme Corals 2010,” scientists used the Jason II remotely operated vehicle from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to survey deep-sea coral sites from the Florida Keys to Jacksonville, Fla., and collect invertebrate and fish samples from depths over two thousand feet beneath the Gulf Stream.