
Cave Diving: The Final Frontier...

Cave diver in Cenote Tak Be Luum near Tulum, Mexico
Cave diver in Cenote Tak Be Luum near Tulum, Mexico. Photo by Daniel Millikovsky

When one thinks about cave diving, the feelings are mixed and it is very difficult to express what it feels like in a single word, but perhaps a possible description is “to live the discovery.” Discovery is an experience and an intrinsic need in human beings since before the discovery of fire.

Explore a stunning underwater attraction that is themed to resemble an abandoned sunken city

When is a pool not a pool? When it's 'Deep Dive Dubai'!

Underwater Attraction Park

It is clear that the team behind Deep Dive Dubai (DDD) instantly dismissed the standard sterile swimming pool setup. Instead, a surreal, intriguing sunken cityscape has been created, that engages divers sense of play, fun and fantasy. State-of-the-art lighting and sound systems have been fitted inside the pool to create different atmospheres, and the pool itself has been dressed and staged.

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Deep Dive Dubai allows thrill-seekers to dive inwards and discover a new underwater dimension filled with adventure and wonder.

Shark Angels Announce FinRaiser Trivia Night

Join the Angels for a fun filled sharky event where you can test your shark knowledge and win prizes including a week long SCUBA liveaboard adventure!

When: Wed July 14th at 4pm PDT/ 7pm EDT

How: Buy a ticket $15 (donation) to join us via Zoom. Once you buy a ticket you will receive a Zoom link to play. Link to registration page:


Researchers studied more than 200 marine fish species before coming up with their findings.
Researchers studied more than 200 marine fish species before coming up with their findings.

Baby reef fishes take the gold

A study has shown that baby reef fishes clock in at 15 to 40 body lengths per second, making them one of the fastest youngsters around.

In contrast, baby herring swim up to two body lengths per second, while the fastest human (Olympic gold medallist Michael Phelps) manages just 1.4 body lengths per second.

So how did those tiny baby reef fishes get to be so fast so early in their lives?

Mexico's Cozumel

Coney grouper, Cozumel, Mexico. Photo by Brandi Mueller
Coney grouper, Cozumel, Mexico. Photo by Brandi Mueller

As our boat headed to the dive site, it was hard to imagine the previous year. With the island of Cozumel to my back, the 180-degree-view of water in front of me was filled with dive boats. While sometimes in the past I would be annoyed to see so many other divers, it was a relief to see all the boats, and it gave me a bit of hope for the future of the dive industry as the pandemic (hopefully) comes to an end.