
Master Liveaboards announces the passing of Martin Cridge, Captain of Truk Master

His passing is incredibly unexpected and shocking to everyone who knew him and worked with him.

There are very few people that knew more, or were more passionate about the wrecks and the diving in Chuuk and Bikini. Anyone who dived with him will have felt his infectious enthusiasm. Everyone who dealt directly with him at Master Liveaboards and The Dirty Dozen felt it too.

NOAA designates new national marine sanctuary in Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan

An exciting recreational opportunity: a diver swims over the two-masted schooner, Walter B. Allen, which sank in 1880. (Tamara Thomsen, Wisconsin Historical Society)

“Preserving this region furthers the Biden-Harris Administration’s vision of locally-led, collaborative conservation,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo. “This designation is also an exciting opportunity for the public to celebrate and help protect this piece of our nation’s rich maritime history.”

Narwhal being tagged.
Narwhal being tagged.

Artificial intelligence shines light on narwhal's hunting behavior

Narwhals, notwithstanding their unicorn-like tusks, are a mysterious species. They live in distant Arctic regions and hunt as deep as 1,000 meters down. 

They orient themselves using echolocation, making clicking sounds to explore their surroundings. When they hunt, the clicking sounds turn into buzzing sounds as the interval times shorten.

Interview with Bret Gilliam: Trailblazer & Founder of TDI

Bret Gilliam, AUAS Diving Hall of Fame inductee 2012
Bret Gilliam being inducted into the AUAS Diving Hall of Fame in 2012

If you love scuba diving, deep dark waters, decompression procedures and mixed gas theory, you must have heard the name many times: Bret Gilliam, a revolutionary trailblazer in the dive world. Over the past few decades, he has changed the way scuba diving is practiced.

Two orcas socialising with each other.
Two orcas socialising with each other.

Drones reveal social lives of orcas

In the pre-drone days, researchers relied on their observations of the orcas when they surfaced, and this was understandably limited.

“Until now, research on killer whale social networks has relied on seeing the whales when they surface, and recording which whales are together," said lead author Michael Weiss, of the University of Exeter.

"Looking down into the water from a drone allowed us to see details such as contact between individual whales," he added.

BSAC Head of Diving and Training, Mary Tetley, Jill Heinerth, Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, XRay Mag, X-Ray Magazine, scuba diving jobs, scuba diving news
From left to right, the author pictured with Mary Tetley (BSAC CEO) and renowned explorer Jill Heinerth at the BSAC Conference in 2016.

BSAC recruits for new role - Head of Diving & Training!

Founded in 1953, the British Sub Aqua Club is launching an exciting strategy to develop and deliver BSAC training. In order to support this, BSAC is recruiting for a newly created position, 'Head of Diving and Training'.

Application Information

Reporting to the CEO and working closely with the National Diving Officer, this new and exciting role will innovate and lead the development and delivery of BSAC training and diving support services. The role is to lead the delivery of BSAC’s strategic aims for diving and training along with its vision, mission and values.

Application Documentation

Interested parties can find further details on essential experience and person specification, along with the full job specification and application pack below.


Emperor Divers’ Recognizes the Eight and Final Covid Diver Hero

We received hundreds of nominations and left it up to a varied panel of loyal staff to sift through the entries. All inspired, many amazed and some brought tears. What is clear is that divers are awesome, and it came as no surprise that within the international underwater community there were so many selfless, empathetic heroes.

Our panel have made the final choice for the 8th liveaboard prize, this time for a trip of a lifetime in The Maldives, Nominated by his cousin, Alex Chan, this is his story:

Juvenile clownfish exposed to artificial light at night die sooner than those exposed to natural light at night.
Juvenile clownfish exposed to artificial light at night die sooner than those exposed to natural light at night.

No artificial lights for Nemo, please!

Scientists have discovered that clownfish living closer to shore die sooner than their counterparts found farther offshore due to the difference in the amount of artificial-light exposure.

The more artificial light they were exposed to, the higher the mortality rate.

The study focused on the reefs around Moorea in French Polynesia. It involved exposing 42 juvenile clownfish to either artificial light at night (ALAN) or natural light (meaning, moonlight!) in the lagoon. Each of the 42 territories had a magnificent sea anemone.